Friday, July 26, 2013

WIP Part 3: Baueda 1:48 Ruined Building

I am making a mess of this. I should probably leave it alone. You can see the styrene pieces I cut to the right. I didn't like the way they were working out. I decided I would just glue the walls together and then putty it to the base.

It looks great here but 10 seconds after I took this picture the back wall fell off. Grrr. I think I am going to stick with my plan anyway and putty it to the base. I am going to need some putty on that wall.

I trimmed too much off the bottom of the two long walls. The one that fell off, I can see that I de-stabilized the wall. It is starting to bend. Pfftt. It is my own fault. Doing something I should not be doing.

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