Monday, September 17, 2012

WIP: Modern US Vehicles

I primed the QRF US modern vehicles yesterday. It took me awhile to put them all together. This is the first time in maybe 20 years that I have put together and attempted to paint any kind of miniature. It was slow going. The last time was probably some Orcs and Goblins for Warhammer.

You should be able to click to expand. The vehicles are all QRF:

M1 Abrams
M2 Bradley IFVs

They are primed with Army Painter Desert Yellow. I am going to try to follow this painting guide from Small Scale Operations. I have just ordered some Vallejo paint. I am not going to use the oil wash. I will use just a regular wash. I'm nervous, we didn't wash 20 years ago. :)


  1. Hey Chris! Thanks for the reminder! I just posted some pictures ( of the finished product. I think they came out really well. I got a lot of compliments from my gaming mates. Thanks for the tips. I need to get some 28mm humvees. I will use your method on those too!
