Monday, September 24, 2012

WIP: Modern US Vehicles II

Here are some pictures of the next stage of painting these vehicles. I used the Sepia Wash from Vallejo.   Sgt. Scream recommends using an oil based paint. But I am just not ready for oil based paint. Washes are a new concept to me. Here are a couple of the tanks.

Here is a closeup of one of the turrets. I originally watered down the wash but quickly realized that I could (and should) go full strength. 

Lastly, a close up of the body of a tank.

I will confess that I was a little skeptical of how this was going to turn out. So, I finished a tank. And I am pretty happy with it. But I won't show it just yet. You will have to wait for it.

Next up: putting on the first layer of the main color.

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