Sunday, July 29, 2012

Western NY Game Day July 28, 2012: Arena Match

I had a great time yesterday at our local Western New York Game Day put on by Jon Lundberg and Dave Abraham [edit per Dave :) - Mike]. Mike V. put on a couple of matches of Arena Games:Gladiatorial Combat. Gary C. put on a game of AK-47 Republic. Frank C. put on a 15mm Sudan Game. I played an Arena Match and in the AK-47 mayhem errrrr game.

[Here is a link to Mike Vasile's Arena Games: Gladiatorial Combat - Mike]

[Be sure to check out the page with Mike's 54mm Gladiators! Sigh - more to add to my list. - Mike]

I wandered into my first Arena Match. I selected my gladiator, Hoplomachus and we entered the AMAZING coliseum of Mike V.

The Gladiators entering the arena and Jeff and Jim immediately closing each other. 

Jeff and Jim continue to go at it. Hoplomachus is in range for a spear attack. He chooses Jim in the Yankees shirt. 

The father/son team closes in. Jeff gets NETTED. That's never good. 

Jeff doesn't make it after getting speared and tridented. 

I finish off Jim and wait for the tag team. 

Sorry for the blurry shot but it won't be long now. 

The son in the father/son team unleases a torrent of blows and decapitates Hoplomachus!

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