Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Baueda Roman Fort

 I just finished a Roman Marching Fort from Baueda. This is a 15mm fort. I also made the "base" for it. I left the fort separate from the base. The fort itself is regulation sized for a DBA 2.2 BUA or built up area. The base adds some size to that for sure. The pictures do not do it justice. 


I tried to show a little perspective. I built up the area surrounding the fort to give it some realism. The stakes are set at ground level. The idea being you run up the hill, then fall off into/onto the stakes.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Completed Projects

I have been a slacker when it comes to posting. I have played many gaming sessions. Mostly Bolt Action and Empire of the Dead. I have played some DBA as well. Including DBA in Ottawa while on a business trip! How about that??!

I've been hard at work on a few things:

This is your standard Deuce and a half. From West Wind's Berlin or Bust line. 

Sherman from Warlord. I want to start building tank platoons. Decided I needed to go with 28mm rather than the 1/48th scale that I was using. 

Couple of Pak40s also from West Wind. I didn't realize there were TWO in the pack until I started to put them together. So I opted for two different color schemes. One your basic German gray.

Lastly, I couldn't resist Uncle 'Thulu from West Wind. He will be my faction leader for Empire of the Dead. I run a Darkfire Faction. Next game this guy will be able to summon zombies! 

Friday, December 27, 2013

My Own Game Table

W00t! My own game table. I cleared out the spare room in our basement. You can still see the remnants of clutter. It is a 6' by 4' table. The table is just a piece of plywood on top of a folding table. The "grass" is green felt from Joann's. On sale. I have a mix of terrain features that I have been collecting over the last couple of years. Now...I just need to game!

WIP: Normandy Farmhouse and Barn

I finished up the Normandy Farmhouse and Barn. I think they turned out pretty good. Here they are on my table! That's right MY table. In MY basement.

I had some trouble with the roof of the house. As you can see, it doesn't sit perfectly. I left the roofs off the structures so the little mens can get in. Neither building has a second floor. I am thinking of correcting that with a little bit of plasticard and balsa wood.

Monday, November 18, 2013

WIP: Normandy Farm House and Barn.

I picked up the Normandy Farm House and Barn from Najewitz Modellbau. 

I am so excited. I have also cleaned out a space in the basement and set up a 6' x 4' table!

Above is a shot of the house. You can see a little Green Stuff on both the bottom corners. This was my first attempt at green stuff. I have used green putty before. Green stuff was great.

The corners had broken off. Not sure when. But I shaped a small brick together and stuck it in the bottom corner. Worked like a charm. I need to sand this a little but it worked out great.

Here is the barn. The windows and doors were not perfect fits. A little more green stuff and I had the cracks sealed up.

This is the roof of the barn. This needed a large amount of green stuff to fill in the gaps. I probably should have used putty here but it was good practice. I am also going to flip this over and lay in a coating of putty on the reverse side of the roof join. Just to strengthen it up. I want to leave the roofs separate so we can lift them off if any of our metal mans need to duck in for some cover.

The roof of the house had some join problems too. I haven't puttied it yet. But I will. Hope to have these done by the new year.

(Soon to be) On the Bench

Or on Brian's bench at least.

I joined in another Baueda kickstarter. Because I love Claudio's work. I picked up a DBA Army of Norse Irish (III/46). I need to base them and get them to Brian.

Jon L. was putting in an order for some WWII. I jumped in to get a Berlin or Bust Pak 40 and crew along with a deuce and a half. This will give my germans some needed artillery and my Americans a truck to pull their AT gun around. 

Lastly, some additional US Navy SEALS. These will complement my original Seal Team 6. These guys are awesome. One of them has bolt cutters and a sledge hammer on his back for breaching. Love it. Can't wait to see these. 

Comparison: 1:48 Jadgpanther vs. 28mm Halftrack

Thought I would show the size differential between the jadgpanther and the half-track.

It is pretty big. But again, I like the bigger size on the tanks. That thing will show up on a table. The half-track can get lost.