Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Completed Projects

I have been a slacker when it comes to posting. I have played many gaming sessions. Mostly Bolt Action and Empire of the Dead. I have played some DBA as well. Including DBA in Ottawa while on a business trip! How about that??!

I've been hard at work on a few things:

This is your standard Deuce and a half. From West Wind's Berlin or Bust line. 

Sherman from Warlord. I want to start building tank platoons. Decided I needed to go with 28mm rather than the 1/48th scale that I was using. 

Couple of Pak40s also from West Wind. I didn't realize there were TWO in the pack until I started to put them together. So I opted for two different color schemes. One your basic German gray.

Lastly, I couldn't resist Uncle 'Thulu from West Wind. He will be my faction leader for Empire of the Dead. I run a Darkfire Faction. Next game this guy will be able to summon zombies! 

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