Monday, October 22, 2012

DBA at Pair-A-Dice 10-20-2012

I played DBA on Saturday at Pair-A-Dice. I did horribly. And I could not roll a die for anything. Ugh. It was a frustrating day. I took my Order of St. John. I thought about bringing the Seljuk Turks. But I definitely need to start mixing it up. DBA at Dave's this summer is going to be Book I armies. I am going to get some Spartans.

 My first game was against Mark, part of my AK-47 crew. He brought Philistines. If you blow up the picture you can see the two chariots that I was worried about. You can also see my attempt to distract him. On my first turn, I ran 2 elements of psiloi down the left side of the board. They are in the woods.

The plan was semi-successful. I drew him out. But, even with Mark's steady 1's on the die, I could only kill 2 elements. He took 4 of mine for the win.

My second game was against Zip's Selucids. Two elephants. I lost this game, 0-4. I could not get the psiloi into position to go for the kill on the elephants. I pushed them back a few times.

Ultimately, I just could hold. 
Next up, Marian Romans. From Gary, another AK-47 crew member. I completely screwed the pooch on this. The green piece of terrain is a woods. With no trees. I thought it wouldn't be a problem to play with no trees. I quickly started viewing them as a hill. This was insanely stupid of me. I bogged EVERY element in the woods.

I lost 1-3. He killed my general.

In the woods.

Because I am an idiot. 

The games ended. Jeff won. Grats.

I played another game with Zip and his elephants. I took Early Crusaders. I bought these from Jeff. Rod S. had painted them and I wanted to add to my collection since he passed away. :(

I gambled. And lost. I gambled by running the Knights up the hill. Quick killed. Awesome.

All in all, possibly the worst day of DBA that I have played since starting out. Bad decisions. Stupidity. I was grumpy the rest of the day.

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